Vetki fish fillets –
1 kilogram, cut into 10/12 pieces
Coconut – 1
cup, grated
Mustard seeds (sarso) – 50 gms
Red Mustard
seeds – 50 gms
Poppy seed
(posto) – 100 gms
Cashew nuts
– 50 gms
Black pepper
– 1 tbsp
Black Cumin
seeds (kalonji) – 1 pinch
powder – ½ tbsp
Oil – 4/5
Green chill
– 10, seedless
Lemon juice
– 2 tbsp
Banana leaf
– 10/12 pieces (6” x 10” size each or your preferred size)
Salt – as
per taste
Sugar – ½ tbsp
Thread to
tie banana leaves
Marinate the
Vetki fish with turmeric powder, salt and lemon Juice for 15 minutes.
Prepare the paste
of the following ingredients:
red and white
mustard seeds
poppy seeds
cashew nuts
green chili separately.
Now, take a
bowl and put all the paste, add black pepper, black cumin seeds, salt and oil
(3 tbsp). Mix well with the marinated fish and keep it for 1 hour.
Put all the pieces
of banana Leaves in the boiling water so that it can easily be molded. Take out
the leaves and let them cool and dry.
Take a piece
of banana leaf, grease the glossy side of the leaf with oil, pour 1 tbsp. of paste mixture on the middle of the leaf, place the fish on it and put more paste mixture on
the top of the fish so that the fish piece is fully covered with the paste
mixture. Add some oil on it.
Fold the
banana leaf to wrap the content from all sides like as parcel and tie it with
the thread. Similarly follow the same thing to prepare all the fish pieces.
Heat a nonstick
pan after greasing it with little bit of oil, place the pieces on it. Cover the
pan with an airtight lid and cook the pieces in medium flame 15 minutes each
Woh it is so delicias you are great and your recipe is so easy to cooking thank you again.